The Power of Now

A courtyard in a skyscraper. Winning design for the international competition SkyCity in Changsha, China.

The Chinese company BROAD group, launched a competition for the interior of their latest skyscraper located in the headquarter BROAD town in Changsha, China. Their brief asked for a courtyard as a public space that will interact with the inhabitants of the tower. Our design was announced winner of the competition.


Surrounded by a single continuous wall and mirrored by reflecting tiles, the space seems endless. Up is down and down is up. There is no horizon, there are no floors, and everything floats in a continuum of space. Arrested by this incredible moment, time does not exist. No one knows how long he wanders the space. Only complete surrender remains.


The power of now. A space that challenges visitors to be in the moment.

Against the backdrop of today’s busy society, this space offers room space to draw oneself back and simply be. This proposal is a celebration of the beauty of being in the moment, an experience of clarity and serenity. Within SkyCity's everyday working life, being in the now offers an escape. It makes one realize that the present is all there is and that joy arises from within.
